I offer online workshops for 10-30 participants (both half and full-day). Each session alternates between large Zoom rooms and virtual breakout rooms where small teams complete step-by-step exercises.

Product Strategy for Platform Businesses
Platform businesses (or “multi-sided platforms”, or “marketplaces”) are among the most successful companies of the past few years (think Uber, Facebook, Airbnb, or Amazon). However, effective product management for platform businesses has specifics relatively to traditional (linear) businesses.
In this workshop, I use clear language and familiar examples to convey the key concepts of platform businesses (or “multi-sided platforms”, or “marketplaces”). In this fast-paced workshop, you’ll be encouraged to follow the examples by applying these concepts as we go, to either a well-known platform company or your own real/imaginary one.
The target audience for this workshop is a product manager or product leader jumping into a role in a platform product. They might be more or less experienced in product in general, but relatively new to multi-sided platform products. They might be either kickstarting the product, or taking an existing platform product to a new chapter. It is particularly aimed at people in pre-product-market fit products.
What people are saying
I ran this workshop at world-class events like Productized and JAM London, with an NPS of +57.
[What I liked the best about this workshop was] The topic and the online collaborative platform to have the breakout rooms.
Productized workshop attendee
For someone new to platform businesses, I found that the concepts were very well explained and accessible. I also enjoyed the exercises as a way to apply these concepts. Bonus point for the creative use of Miro too!
JAM workshop attendee
Workshops available
Private / On-demand
The fees start at €2000 ( + any applicable VAT) for half-day online workshops (up to 10 participants)
We can also discuss the possibility of an in-person workshop.
Next workshop will be in-person at Productized, October 11th 2023, in Lisbon. 10% discount with code WELOVEPRO10
The workshop follows the same structure as my eBook, Platform Product Strategy: a Practical Guide for Busy Product Leaders — which you can buy to get a sense of what you can expect from the workshops and/or use as a companion to them.